Field Day 2004 This is Whiskey 6 Juliet Oscar Mike I mean, Whiskey 7 Juliet Alpha Mike Oh hell, its Dronk Field day Damn it. Well maybe he didnt say the last line. Who said this?
New technology for BS protection being employed at Dr0nk
Its going to be Bitchen!
Alex has a passion for Italian checkered tablecloth
TFC in 1977 and now in 2004
Special Agent Es covert camera caught two operatives unloading this at DRO.
DYD has been seen tracking the jammer, yes the DYD has competition.
The Word is out NF6E is Jimmies Secret Nephew and has taken his call.
JOEY is now confirming that he will be making the Kofa trip. DYD and I were able to inspect the long-parked Cherokee today and have pronounced it "trail worthy". I will be camping at Pair-A-Dice on friday and returning to San Diego on Sunday. The DYD has agreed to sponsor me on this trip and will be there to change my flats.
Breaking news! DYD was seen chasing Joeys tire down Interstate 8. Rumor has it, he was clocked at 50 MPH before running it down. Must have been the HiTest Beer.
On January 27, 2007, a special secret meeting was called by The Head DR0NK, Himself. Present at the meeting were several DR0NK Lieutenants.
Membership requests to the Organization were reviewed and debated. Results are posted below:
Hear Yea Hear Yea, Let it be known that Chuck Wood, WD6APP, has been granted membership privileges, with all the rights, privileges and responsibilities thereunto appertaining. Sponsored by RLV, DTR, CCM, JOJ. Vote: Unanimous
Hear Yea Hear Yea, Let it be known that Jim Wasson, KG6DVG, has been granted membership privileges, with all the rights, privileges and responsibilities thereunto appertaining. Sponsored by XT, DYD. Vote: Unanimous
Hear Yea Hear Yea, Let it be known that a request for reinstatement by Wayne Miller, KD6FPL has been rejected/denied. Vote: Unanimous
A motion was made and accepted to waive the $100,000.00 membership initiation fee for both new members.
Notable Quotes from the past
I'll never forget New Year's eve one year, jamming the Sand Box (is that system still in use?) with George Carlin records and the coax was flaming off of the tower. Never laughed so hard in my life.
Now I'll go back into the lurking mode.